Curriculum Overviews

7th Grade Curriculum Overview

“No book worth reading is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally-and often far more- worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond.” - C.S. Lewis
Summary: 7th grade classes will focus their attention on our faith as a true STORY. Through our studies we will connect ourselves into the story from the beginning of time to today. We will learn how knowing the Story of the scriptures and its characters connects us to our faith in a deep and important way. Through our quest this year we will know our faith in a new, profound way that we will be able to triumph in, relate to, and love.
Themes of the Year:
  • Review of our Beginnings in Scripture
-Bible basics (how to correctly read and navigate our STORY)
- God’s Plan A: Man’s original state and how a serpent twisted us all up
- God’s Plan B: original mercy and how He sticks with us through it all.
  • Our Real Life Heroes Enter into the Story
-Mary enters in as a New Eve. (and why she’s our Catholic “homegirl”)
-Jesus Christ “the Man” Jn 19:5 (His life through the mysteries of the Rosary)
-More Characters to learn from: Mary Magdalene, Zaccheus, etc.
-JC’s trilogy: Passion, Death, and Resurrection
-The Story Lives On: Apostles and Early Church History
  • Our Church’s personal Stories
- an intro into our, leaders, and Popes; and the good, the bad, and the ugly of what the Catholic Church has endured through.
-Habemus Papum! How we elect Popes today.
- “Saints are just sinners who never gave up” and God’s affection shown through His people.
  • How we Get in the Story
- Sacraments: How we participate in the story and are joined to God.
-A very good place to start: Sacraments of Initiation
-A new apple a day keeps you going the right way: Sacraments of Healing
-What do you want to be when you grow up?: Sacraments of Service and our Future Story: Vocations (how we will give our lives to the story)

Author’s Note: Learning to listen to God, the Divine Author, through prayer, Catholic culture days, myth busters, and community building will be embedded throughout the year.
8th Grade Curriculum Overview


God can’t give us peace and happiness apart from himself because there is no such thing.” - C.S. Lewis 

Summary: 8th Grade classes will focus their attention on our faith as it connects to reality and what we were truly made for: happiness. Through our studies we will learn how God’s law in the 10 Commandments, Beatitudes, and Church teaching works as a guide for ultimate human happiness both in this world and for the next. We will learn the reasoning behind many of God’s laws and learn to understand law and freedom in a whole different way. Ultimately the concepts we learn in this class will prepare students to enter high school with moral principles with which to judge many of their upcoming choices. This class should help students to reconnect their natural desires to God’s will for them and help them to see how the two should work together rather than against each other. 

Themes of the Year:

      Overview of Happiness: So you’re happy and you know it? Now define it.

      Says Who?: Definition of Law and how the more you follow the law the more free you become.

      Human Prescription: Take 10 tablets once a day, every day. The 10 Commandments and how they were prescribed for our happiness.
-Highlights within this unit: Current Events, Theology of the Body, Social Justice, Life Issues, and more.

      From Thou Shall Not TO Blessed Are You: Beatitudes-a new take on living the Law

      Body Building 101: How to build up our own spiritual body through virtue and why it is so important.
-Connecting the dots: Cardinal Virtues

-Help from on High: Theological Virtues

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